Live Server Not Working

Visual Studio Code Live Server Not Working

Whenever we talk about coding a website in visual studio code, live Server extension plays a great role because its features are next level.

because of the live server, it becomes easier and sufficient to track the code output hand to hand which is like magic.

Let's Talk About The Problem :

When I click on GoLive it only works for the first time and I am deactivating and starting again.
So how to fix it.

Let's Talk About The Solution :

The solution is that you are not saving the file every time you want to see the live output you have to save the file to save press Ctrl+S. You can set up a setting for autosave so that you don't have to save manually and press Ctrl+S.

This is how we can set up autosave:

Follow This Steps -
1. Go to the Settings by Ctrl+,

2.Click on  file auto save and set it to onwindow change


  Here you go now enjoy live server without intereption.